Goodwin Living™ Grows Brain Health Program with Appointment of Theresa Mandela, RN, BSN, QCP

Oct 24, 2021

Welcome to Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care, where we are excited to share the latest news about our partnership with Goodwin Living™ and the significant expansion of our Brain Health Program. With the recent appointment of Theresa Mandela, RN, BSN, QCP, we are further strengthening our commitment to delivering the highest level of comprehensive and specialized home healthcare services to our valued clients and their families.

Leading the Path to Cognitive Wellness

At Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care, we understand the importance of cognitive wellness and its impact on overall health and quality of life. With the growing concerns surrounding age-related cognitive decline, it has become imperative for us to offer innovative solutions that promote brain health and well-being.

Our partnership with Goodwin Living™, an esteemed provider of senior living communities and resources, has allowed us to expand and enhance our Brain Health Program. Through this collaboration, we can now offer a comprehensive range of services, including personalized care plans, cognitive assessments, therapeutic interventions, and ongoing support to individuals seeking to maintain and improve their cognitive abilities.

Introducing Theresa Mandela, RN, BSN, QCP

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Theresa Mandela, RN, BSN, QCP, as the Head of our Brain Health Program. With over 15 years of experience in geriatric care and a deep passion for enhancing cognitive health, Mandela brings invaluable expertise and leadership to our team.

Theresa Mandela holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree and is a Qualified Care Partner (QCP), specializing in dementia care. Her extensive knowledge in the field, combined with her compassionate approach, allows her to develop individualized care plans that address each client's unique needs and goals.

Comprehensive Brain Health Services

Our Brain Health Program offers a wide range of services designed to improve cognitive function, enhance memory, and promote overall brain health. Some of the key services provided include:

  • Comprehensive cognitive assessments to identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Personalized care plans that address specific cognitive challenges
  • Evidence-based therapeutic interventions to stimulate brain activity
  • Engaging and interactive activities designed to enhance cognitive skills
  • Education and training for individuals and their families on brain health
  • Regular progress evaluations to monitor improvements and make necessary adjustments to the care plans
Person-Centered Approach to Care

At Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care, our person-centered approach is at the core of our Brain Health Program. We believe that every individual has unique needs and preferences, and it is essential to tailor our services accordingly. Theresa Mandela and our team work closely with clients and their families to create a supportive and empowering environment that fosters cognitive well-being.

By combining expertise, compassion, and evidence-based practices, we aim to empower individuals to live their lives to the fullest. We understand that brain health is a lifelong journey, and our program is designed to provide ongoing support throughout the process.

The Difference in Our Approach

What sets our Brain Health Program apart is our commitment to delivering comprehensive, personalized, and holistic care. We go beyond traditional home healthcare services by focusing specifically on cognitive wellness and the unique needs of each client. Our team keeps up-to-date with the latest research and best practices to ensure that our services are of the highest quality and effectiveness.

We believe that a strong partnership between healthcare professionals, individuals, and their families is the key to success. With our Brain Health Program, we aim to empower individuals to take an active role in their cognitive health and enjoy a fulfilling life.

Experience the Goodwin Living™ Difference

Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care is proud to be affiliated with Goodwin Living™, renowned for their commitment to excellence in senior living communities and resources. This partnership enables us to provide our clients with unparalleled access to a wealth of services and programs that contribute to their overall well-being.

Experience the Goodwin Living™ difference and join us on the journey to maintaining and enhancing brain health. Contact our team today to explore how our Brain Health Program, led by Theresa Mandela, RN, BSN, QCP, can make a positive difference in your life or the life of your loved ones.