Goodwin Living Takes COVID-19 Precautions

Apr 28, 2019


Welcome to Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care's blog post on Goodwin Living's COVID-19 precautions. In this article, we will explore how Goodwin Living is prioritizing the safety and well-being of their residents amidst the ongoing pandemic. As a reputable provider of comprehensive home healthcare services, we understand the importance of implementing necessary measures to protect vulnerable individuals.

Implementing Stringent Safety Measures

Goodwin Living proactively responded to the COVID-19 outbreak by implementing stringent safety protocols. These protocols encompass various aspects of daily life within their communities, ensuring that residents are protected and their healthcare needs are met.

Social Distancing and Visitor Restrictions

Recognizing the importance of social distancing, Goodwin Living has restricted non-essential visitors from entering their communities. By limiting external interactions, their residents can safely maintain physical distance while minimizing the risk of exposure. This approach helps create a safe and secure living environment.

Enhanced Cleaning and Sanitization

Goodwin Living has bolstered their cleaning and sanitization practices, ensuring that high-touch surfaces and communal areas are regularly disinfected. By maintaining a strict cleaning regimen, they reduce the risk of transmission within their communities. Residents can confidently utilize shared spaces knowing that they are diligently maintained.

Mandatory Mask Usage

In line with public health guidelines, Goodwin Living requires all staff and residents to wear masks within their communities. The widespread use of masks acts as an additional barrier against potential virus transmission and helps protect everyone involved. This commitment to mask usage demonstrates their dedication to maintaining a safe and healthy living environment.

Comprehensive Testing and Monitoring

Goodwin Living has implemented comprehensive testing and monitoring protocols to quickly identify any potential COVID-19 cases within their communities. Regular testing of residents and staff helps prevent outbreaks and allows for early intervention, ensuring timely medical care is provided when needed. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of widespread transmission.

On-Site Testing Facilities

To further streamline the testing process, Goodwin Living has set up on-site testing facilities within their communities. This on-site capability enables prompt testing and faster turnaround time for results. By having testing readily available, they can efficiently monitor the health status of residents and take immediate action whenever necessary.

Frequent Health Checks

In addition to testing, Goodwin Living conducts frequent health checks for residents and staff. These checks include temperature screenings and symptom assessments to detect potential cases early on. The regular monitoring of individuals allows for prompt medical attention and reduces the risk of asymptomatic spread.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

Goodwin Living acknowledges the importance of addressing the mental and emotional well-being of their residents during these challenging times. They have implemented various initiatives to provide support and promote a sense of community within their communities.

Virtual Engagement Activities

To combat social isolation, Goodwin Living has introduced virtual engagement activities that residents can participate in from the safety of their homes. These activities include online fitness classes, educational webinars, and virtual social gatherings, fostering a sense of connection and engagement within their communities.

Telehealth Services

In collaboration with healthcare providers like Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care, Goodwin Living offers telehealth services to residents. This virtual healthcare option allows residents to consult with medical professionals remotely, minimizing the need for unnecessary physical visits. Telehealth services ensure residents receive timely care while reducing potential exposure risks.


In conclusion, Goodwin Living prioritizes the safety and well-being of their residents by implementing proactive measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Through stringent safety protocols, comprehensive testing and monitoring, and initiatives promoting mental and emotional well-being, they strive to create a secure living environment for their residents.

At Anointed and Blessed Home Health Care, we stand in solidarity with Goodwin Living and share their commitment to protecting vulnerable individuals during these exceptional times. As a reliable provider of comprehensive home healthcare services, we ensure that our caregivers adhere to the highest safety standards when providing in-home care to seniors and individuals with medical needs.

If you have any questions or require assistance regarding home healthcare services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Stay safe, stay informed, and let us navigate through these challenging times together.

Praveen Praveenyadav
Great to see Goodwin Living taking proactive steps to protect their residents during the pandemic!
Oct 5, 2023